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Henderson County Court Records

Henderson County court records are court files and documents created through court filings and processes. These records include court orders, judgments, motions, transcripts, or court schedules. Court documents are useful for getting more details on court cases, like the particulars of the attorneys on record, the judge’s particulars, or the evidence used during the case. Court records are maintained by records custodians, usually court clerks. Each court maintains records of documents and files processed through the courthouse. These court clerks also receive and process records requests.

Are Court Records Public in Henderson County?

Court records are public in Henderson County through the provisions of Chapter 132 of North Carolina’s General Statutes, which allow residents and non-residents to inspect and make copies of public documents and records. Henderson County court records are available at the courthouse through the court clerks. Physical request submissions can be made at any of the relevant courthouses in the county at the court clerk’s office. Record custodians may require identity verification with a valid government-issued ID while exercising their discretion to give a waiver or require the charged fee payment.

Henderson County Court Records Search

Henderson County court records are accessible to anyone interested in inspecting or making copies. This inspection or copies can be obtained at the courthouse by approaching the court clerk or records custodian with a duly completed request form, a valid ID, and evidence of payment of the charged fees. There are also online platforms where the public can access Henderson County court records and conduct a search. The search Portal of the North Carolina Judiciary can be used to search Henderson County court records using attorney, case number, name, and more.

Henderson County Court Records Search by Name

Name-based searches are a common approach for obtaining Henderson County court records. The public can access such records by submitting a duly completed request with the registrant's name. Other helpful details could include the case number or the name of a place or item relevant to the case. Name-based searches are generally available to the public through the North Carolina Judiciary Search Portal. Name search is broad enough to cover various key aspects of a case, like the name of the parties, the attorneys representing, the judge, and witnesses.

Henderson County Courts

Henderson County operates its judicial legal activities through a Superior and District court.

Henderson County’s Superior Courts

Henderson County Superior Court
200 North Grove Street, Suite 163, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone - (828) 694-4100
Fax - (828) 694-4107

Henderson County’s District Court

Henderson County District Court
200 North Grove Street, Suite 163, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone - (828) 694-4100
Fax - (828) 694-4107

Henderson County District Court Records

Henderson County District Court records are documents and files processed through the county’s District Courthouse. These records are maintained by the designated custodian for the courthouse, who also handles the requests from the public. Henderson County District Court is one of the two courts in the county and exercises jurisdiction on all civil cases of less than $25,000, child custody, divorces, child support, and evictions. It is the lowest court in North Carolina, focussing on traffic tickets, juvenile cases, misdemeanors, mental health cases, and more.

The public can access District Court records by approaching the county courthouse to submit a request. There are also online platforms, such as the search portal, where the public can mail a request to the courthouse for records. District Courts may also require ID verification to access court records, while fee payment remains a requirement, except when waived by the court clerk.

Henderson County Criminal Records

Henderson County criminal records contain details of files and archives of criminal activities. Criminal records reveal a person or group’s criminal footprint while contributing to the county and state crime database. The law enforcement agencies operating in Henderson County are charged with keeping and maintaining criminal records. These records are accessible to the public through North Carolina’s Chapter 132 and can be obtained during weekday working hours. Courts in Henderson County with criminal jurisdiction, both misdemeanors and felonies, maintain a record of criminal trials and convictions that are accessible to the public.

The public can obtain criminal records personally by going to the local sheriff’s office to make a request or using the online platforms available. Records seekers can use the Inmate/Arrest Information website to access records of individuals in jails and prisons in the county. The county government’s Records Department also maintains records on incidents and Henderson County arrests that occur within county limits. The North Carolina Police Department will also provide the public with in-office access to criminal records for Henderson County through online platforms. The major requirements for accessing criminal records include payment of the required charges and a valid government-issued ID.

Henderson County Criminal Court Case Lookup

Henderson County's criminal records can be easily obtained through law enforcement agencies. The Local Sheriff’s Office provides the public with criminal, arrest, and jail records. The state’s police department also has county criminal records, which are accessible to the public. Requesters who prefer remote options can use the Records Department website from the county government to request incident or arrest records, while the Inmate/Arrest Information provides details on arrests and incarcerations in Henderson County.

Get Henderson County Civil Court Records

Civil court records are court documents that originate through civil cases. These records include files, documents, and digital archives for filing and processing a civil case hearing. Residents and non-residents can generally access and make copies of public records, including civil court records. These records can detail court cases involving family law, contract agreements, personal injury, intellectual property cases, equitable claims, and real estate cases.

The public can obtain civil court records through a physical request at the court clerk’s office at the courthouse. Henderson County has a Superior and District Court location, both of which have civil jurisdiction and maintain records of civil cases. There are online platforms for accessing Henderson County civil court records, such as the State Judiciary’s Search Portal and the Public Records Online website. However, sensitive civil court records will be redacted or classified from public court records. The public may require ID verification to access certain civil court records, while all requests must be accompanied by payment of fees except those waived by the records custodian.

Henderson County Family Court Records

Henderson County family court records refer to court documents and files used in facilitating cases under the state’s family laws. The District Court has jurisdiction over family law cases at the trial level and keeps family court records in Henderson County. These records are relevant for cases involving child custody, paternity, spousal support, domestic relations, adoption, property allocation, and child support.

The public can approach the District Courthouse in Henderson County to submit a physical records request at the court clerk’s office. This request must be accompanied by payment of the required charges, except if the clerk waives it. A valid ID may also be required where records contain sensitive information, and the requester’s identity must be ascertained. Family court records are also obtainable through online platforms for court records, such as Public Records Online and the Search Portal.

Henderson Dissolution of Marriage Records

Henderson County maintains records of dissolution of marriages across agencies, including the courts and the Department of Health and Human Services. Court records can reveal the divorce petition filings and other documents relevant to the divorce case. The court records on divorces are available at the District Courthouse or through the judiciary’s Search Portal. The Vital and Public Records website from the North Carolina DHHS offers public records on Divorce in the state and its counties. Citizens in Henderson County can also go to the Vital Records office to make a physical request for dissolution of marriage records.

Henderson County Marriage and Divorce Records

Marriage and Divorce records are documents, files, and digital information storage on legal marital unions and divorces. Henderson County operates an open books policy under Chapter 132 of North Carolina’s General Statutes, which gives the public access to public records. Marriage and divorce records are maintained across two public agencies in Henderson County, the Office of Vital Records and the courts. The courts maintain records of marriages conducted at the Marriage Registry, while the Vital Records Office maintains records of certificates.

The public can approach the District Court with a duly completed request form and evidence of payment of charges to make a physical request. The Office of Vital Records is also open to the public during weekdays and during work hours for physical records request submission. Requesters in remote locations can mail their requests to the records custodian using the judiciary Search Portal for court marriage and divorce records while the Vital and Public Records platform is available for obtaining marriage and divorce certificates. Except the fees charged are waived by the records custodian, the public must present evidence of payment accompanied by a valid ID if requested.

Henderson Birth and Death Records

Henderson County birth and death records provide details on successful baby deliveries and registered loss of life. Birth and earth records reveal the death or birth location, the newborn’s parents/guardians, the deceased’s surviving spouse or guardians, the birth or death certificates, and more. These records are available across agencies, including hospitals and the Vital Records Office. Hospitals maintain records of births and deaths within their facilities across the county. However, it is a decentralized system that is unlike the state’s full records archives.

The public can request birth and death records from the Vital Records office. The North Carolina Vital Records Office provides state-wide records and county-specific records, while the Henderson County Vital Records Office provides county-specific records. Requesters can use the Vital and Public Records website to obtain birth and death records from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, while the Vital Records website is for county records. These records are available after payment of the fees charged for copies of certificates, and a valid ID may be requested for identity verification.

Henderson County Probate Court Records

Henderson County probate court records are details of cases and processes handled by the Probate Division of the courts. Probate records help reveal details on cases involving a change of name, adoption of a minor, personal administration, administration or executorship of a deceased’s estate, and a minor’s guardianship. These records are available at the Probate Registry, where physical records requests can be made. The Office of the Register of Deeds is open to the public between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays for request submissions, while the online platform is available to requesters in remote locations.

Henderson County Property Records

Henderson County property records include documents and archives showing details on real property within the county. These records are useful for determining a property’s title interest and owner, mortgage, address, and mailing address. Property records are available through the Office of the Register of Deeds, open to the public for weekday requests between 9 am and 5 pm. The public can approach the county’s Land Records office or use the online platform to search public land records from the Register of Deeds. Property records search is also available using the Online Tools the county government provides.

Henderson County Court Records Online

Henderson County court records are widely available at the two courthouses in the county. Residents can obtain records by visiting the office in person. The judiciary also has online platforms where the public can search court records and send requests to record custodians. The Search Portal from the state’s judiciary allows the public to search court records and mail requests to courts.

Third-party platforms like also provide an alternative means for performing public record searches. These websites have invested time in collecting records across the county and putting them into an organized archive. The public can access these sites and obtain records at no cost or with no ID verification. However, the accuracy of record results on such platforms cannot be guaranteed.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!