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Mecklenburg County Arrest Records

Mecklenburg County arrest records provide crucial information to individuals who want to locate loved ones or help them make bail arrangements. The records are also useful for legal research, judicial decisions, and public awareness. Additionally, people with prior arrests can use these records to clear or correct their criminal histories.

Every defendant's arrest record is generated shortly after detainment. Law enforcement agencies collect the arrestee's information to document the situation surrounding the apprehension, including the crime the person allegedly committed and the location and time of the arrest.

Generally, individuals can obtain Mecklenburg arrest records through local police departments, courts, and state and federal agencies. They may also be featured within Mecklenburg County Court Records as part of judicial records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Mecklenburg County?

Yes. Law enforcement agencies, courts, and state agencies are obligated by the North Carolina Public Records Law (G.S. § 132) to provide arrest records to the public upon request unless the record is protected.

Protected records include those associated with open investigations, juvenile arrest records, some pre-sentencing reports, expunged and sealed documents, and information restricted by other state and federal laws.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records are the portions or sections of official arrest records that can be released to any individual. In Mecklenburg County, people can typically see details such as the arrested person's name, physical description, photograph, address, arrest date, offense(s), and bond information. They can also find the arresting agency and preliminary case details.

Mecklenburg County Crime Rate

According to the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation's (NC SBI) Crime in North Carolina report, Mecklenburg County's crime rate was 3853.2 per 100,000 in 2022. This rate represents a 3% rise from the previous year (3740.8). The property crime rate jumped 5.22% from 3,037.5 per 100,000 in 2021 to 3,196.0 in 2022. However, the violent crime rate fell from 703.4 per 100,000 population in 2021 to 657.2 in 2022, a 6.57% drop.

Individuals should note that the SBI's Crime in North Carolina statistics may differ slightly from figures reported through its Crime Reporting system. Nonetheless, individuals seeking more thorough data are encouraged to peruse the database.

Mecklenburg County Arrest Statistics

The NCSBI's Summary Reporting System (Arrests by Offense, 2022) revealed that 18,814 arrests were recorded in Mecklenburg County in 2022, 11% lower than the total arrests in the previous year (21,198).

The most common arrests in Mecklenburg County were non-aggravated assaults, which decreased by 13.64% between 2021 and 2022, from 3,290 in 2021 to 2,870 in 2022. The second-highest arrests were made for larceny-theft, constituting 2,481 arrests in 2021 and 2,256 in 2022, a 9% reduction.

Find Mecklenburg County Arrest Records

Before starting an arrest records search, it is important to identify the custodian of the records one wants to obtain. The next step involves confirming that the records qualify as public information. To verify the public records, a person can consult North Carolina laws or the records custodian.

The following are various places to obtain Mecklenburg arrest records.

Mecklenburg Sheriff's Office

The local sheriff's Arrest Inquiry system helps members of the public see the details of people arrested in the county. The tool allows site users to find arrestees using different parameters, such as a name, date, or number. Information that may be obtained includes:

  • Prison ID
  • Subject's name, physical description, date of birth, and address
  • Arrest date and time
  • Arrest ID
  • Arrest type (traffic, misdemeanor, felony)
  • Bond details
  • Offense description
  • Arresting agency

Alternatively, individuals can email the sheriff's Public Information Office at for arrest record inquiries.

People can also use the sheriff's office Inmate Inquiry web portal to look up arrest details of offenders serving jail time or awaiting trial in any of the county's correctional facilities. Users can provide an inmate's ID or name to start the search. The database shows each inmate's charges, incarceration status, bond information, and commitment date.

Local Police Departments

City or town police departments in Mecklenburg County also maintain reports of arrests they have made. Individuals can visit the arresting agency or call their public records division to inquire about arrest records. For example, people seeking information from the Town of Matthews Police Department can call (704) 841-6701 to confirm that the record is available for inspection and submit their public records requests online.

The Town of Cornelius PD also operates a records request page and allows members of the public to obtain arrest history reports through its Records Division.

Requesters should note that arrest records obtained through local police departments will only contain information within the boundaries of that town or city.

Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Courts

Individuals can view criminal cases, which include some arrest information, using a public terminal at the Mecklenburg Clerk of Superior Court office or accessing the North Carolina eCourts Portal. They can also email the office at with inquiries.

North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections (NCDAC)

The NCDAC maintains information on state inmates convicted of various state-level crimes. Interested parties seeking details about incarcerated offenders from Mecklenburg County can retrieve information using the department's online and offline resources.

The department's public offender information search system includes information about current detainees, parolees, probationers, prison escapees, captures, releases, and absconders. Users can search by name or offender number and filter searches using additional criteria such as ethnic group, birth date, age range, and incarceration status. The system's top menu allows site users to switch between search pages dedicated to different classes of offenders, such as escapees, parolees, and probationers. The system shows each inmate's current status (whether currently serving time or released), post-release status, primary offense, county of commitment, and other incarceration details.

Individuals can also submit public records requests to the NCDAC online, by phone, by mail, or in person using the online form or the following information:

NC Department of Adult Correction
4201 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4201
Phone: (919) 733-2126

U.S. Bureau of Prisons

One can find information on people arrested in Mecklenburg County and incarcerated for federal crimes with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. The BOP has an online inmate search utility, but interested inquirers can still use the agency's FOIA request option to obtain records.

Free Arrest Record Search in Mecklenburg County

Individuals can use the Mecklenburg Sheriff's Office Arrest Inquiry and Inmate Inquiry search databases to find arrest records for free in Mecklenburg County. They can also send in public records requests for the records. A fee may not be charged unless one desires a copy of a record.

The terminals at the Clerk of Superior Court's office are also free to use to find out how a criminal case was finalized after an arrest. However, ordering copies of records or requesting mail delivery will cost the requester.

Interestingly, several third-party public records websites offer arrest records to the public. These sites pool information from multiple law enforcement agencies, allowing researchers to find arrest information in one place rather than going through different sources. However, these websites are private businesses and do not offer physical copies for free. Interested persons must usually pay for such services.

Get Mecklenburg County Criminal Records

A person's criminal record, also called criminal history or RAP sheet, contains all their encounters with law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Each individual's criminal history includes arrest details, court case proceedings, incarceration records, and post-conviction information. Those seeking Mecklenburg County criminal records can generally review court files or order background checks from criminal justice agencies.

Court Records

Court records contain valuable information about an individual's progress through the justice system, from their arraignment to initial hearings and sentencing information. Individuals can obtain these records through different sources, such as:

  • The Mecklenburg County Clerk of the Superior Court

Criminal case files generated in Mecklenburg County are available on self-service terminals at the county courthouse at 832 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.

Individuals can search for case records by case number or a defendant, witness, or victim's name. They can also visit the clerk's office at the same location to obtain copies of documents.

While viewing case records through the terminal is free, members of the public must pay for copies.

  • North Carolina eCourts Portal

The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) runs an online system known as the eCourts Portal, where the public can find and view criminal case files across North Carolina. The system provides comprehensive court records, including certain arrest information, such as the arrest date and the statute violated. Users can also find information about other court case events, such as the hearings scheduled and the court's final disposition.

Background Checks

Background checks are comprehensive searches of people's criminal histories. Interested individuals can run countywide or statewide background searches, depending on the degree of information sought.

  • Mecklenburg Background Checks

Individuals can obtain certified background checks on themselves and others through the office of the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court. The service only provides certified case documents for cases heard in the county, and it costs $25. To begin, requesters must fill out and submit Form AOC-CR-314 to the clerk's office at:

Mecklenburg County Courthouse
P.O. Box 37971
Charlotte, NC 28237-7971
Phone: (704) 686-0400

Individuals can also visit the Superior Clerk's office to request a non-certified background check. This option produces documents for informational purposes alone. It cannot be used for legal purposes.

  • Statewide Background Checks

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) is the state's central criminal repository. The agency offers criminal background check services to employers, licensing entities, and private individuals.

People interested in running a background check on themselves (also called a Right to Review) can follow the SBI's process, which includes submitting electronic fingerprints and paying a $14 processing fee. One can obtain the required FD-258 fingerprint card through the Mecklenburg Sheriff's Office. It is important to note that the office cannot provide the service without the card. Other requirements for fingerprinting include:

  • Valid state-issued ID
  • $10 fee (for every five fingerprint cards)
  • $3 processing fee (if paying by credit or debit card)

However, individuals must download and fill out the Request for Access to Criminal History Record form, which instructs the Sheriff's Office to take their fingerprints. They must also fill out the office's online scheduling form (select "Fingerprint Orders" on the Sheriff's website) and provide details such as their date of birth, physical description, demographic information, address, and contact details. This data will be included in the FD-258 fingerprint card to be submitted to the SBI.

Upon receiving and processing the background check request, the SBI will deliver any responsive record to the individual's address.

Mecklenburg County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest and criminal records are considered similar because they contain details of a person's arrest. However, they cover different stages of a person's interactions with the criminal justice system. Arrest records do not include court proceedings or show the outcome of a person's prosecution (if there was any). They only detail the events surrounding the person's apprehension and do not indicate the person's guilt.

Criminal records are more comprehensive. They cover an individual's arrests and other engagements with the state's justice system, including court proceedings, incarceration, and post-conviction programs.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrest information generally remains on a person's criminal record until they successfully petition a court for expungement. Only people permitted by North Carolina's legislature can expunge (delete) their records in Mecklenburg County.

However, G.S. § 15A-146 (a4) permits the automatic expungement of records if an individual's charges were dismissed or they were found not guilty on or after December 1, 2021. The law instructs the NCAOC to automate expungement for such cases.

Expunge Mecklenburg County Arrest Records

An expungement is a legal process where individuals petition courts to remove and delete their arrest, charge, and conviction information from county and state records. People seeking expungements (or expunction) must meet the state's eligibility requirements outlined in Article 5 of the North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. § 15A-145 through 15A-153).

Individuals who obtain an expungement in Mecklenburg County can treat the arrest, criminal charge, or conviction as if it never happened. State law protects them from the penalty of perjury if they declare, under oath, that they were never arrested, charged, or convicted when referencing the expunged records. Also, prosecutors, law enforcement, and the general public cannot use deleted records against the individual in the future.

However, certain statutory exceptions exist regarding how expunged records can be used. For example, G.S. § 15A-153 (e) expects candidates applying for certain criminal justice training programs to declare their past arrests even if those records have been expunged. The Administrative Office of the Courts is also permitted to maintain the records about expunction proceedings, such as petitions and accompanying affidavits. Further, arresting agencies can keep information related to expunged documents that are part of criminal investigations.

North Carolina's expungement laws are extensive. Some provisions prohibit people who may qualify for expungements from submitting certain petitions. Sometimes, certain charges in a single court case may not be eligible for expungement. There are also specific time requirements for expungement. For example, people under 18 and convicted for the first time for a nonviolent felony must wait at least four years after their conviction or sentence and probation to submit a petition for expungement.

The expungement process in Mecklenburg follows a general pattern of submitting a petition to the trial court in the county of the person's arrest, charge, or conviction. However, specific requirements apply, which vary by case. For example, petitioners may be mandated to provide other documents, such as an affidavit by others affirming the petitioner's good character. Expungement instructions and petition forms are available on the North Carolina Judicial Branch's website.

Mecklenburg County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are court documents required to execute arrests. In Mecklenburg County, law enforcement officers can only arrest people without warrants when they witness an offense or have probable cause to believe someone has broken the law, per G.S. § 15A-401. The law also permits officers who have knowledge about an issued warrant to execute an arrest even when they do not physically possess it.

Arrest warrants are issued by Mecklenburg County judges, magistrates, or the clerk of superior court after they review affidavits and evidence from law enforcement or private individuals and find probable cause that the people named in the presented documents have committed crimes.

An arrest warrant typically contains the crime suspect's name, a description of the alleged crime, and the judge's signature.

Notably, Mecklenburg judges, magistrates, and the clerk of the superior court can also issue orders for arrest per G.S. § 15A-305. These are similar to arrest warrants, as they authorize law enforcement to take people into custody. However, they are usually issued after grand jury indictments, when defendants fail to appear in court, and when convicted offenders violate their probation. Other situations can also trigger the issuance of arrest orders, including material witness proceedings.

Mecklenburg County Arrest Warrant Search

Individuals seeking active arrest warrants have the following options:

  • The Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office Warrant Inquiry online search tool: Individuals can search for active warrants by name to see information such as issue date, case number, and warrant type.
  • Local police departments: City police departments allow the public to verify warrants. Some, like the Town of Matthews PD, have online pages where individuals can search for active warrants.
  • Court records: The NCAOC's eCourts Portal also displays warrant information

Do Mecklenburg County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Most arrest warrants do not expire in North Carolina until they are executed or recalled by judges. Individuals can also turn themselves in or fulfill their judicial obligations to resolve their warrants. However, some misdemeanors outlined in G.S. § 15-1 have statutes of limitations, which prohibit prosecutors from charging suspects after specific periods expire.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!